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 A newer insight into the twilight story

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4 participants
Phenix Noir
Routard Interstellaire
Routard Interstellaire
Phenix Noir

Nombre de messages : 339
Masculin Age : 41

A newer insight into the twilight story Empty
MessageSujet: A newer insight into the twilight story   A newer insight into the twilight story EmptyMer 2 Déc 2009 - 15:10

So I just happened to spoil a bit of my so-called working time on the internet again and stumbled across both this section and some ridiculously funny - and angry- insight into Twilight. And decided to share the last in the former.

Don't read it if you were somewhat appreciative ot the story, ho please don't read, I wouldn't be called the "meanie" here - or at least, the cheerful meanie, not the angry overserious one, besides this one was decided a long time ago - by hurting someone pure feelings.
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Rufus Shinra
Roi des Petits Gris
Roi des Petits Gris
Rufus Shinra

Nombre de messages : 2455
Masculin Age : 35
Localisation : Là où s'est déroulée la dernière catastrophe en date ~ Compagnon senior de la Confrérie

A newer insight into the twilight story Empty
MessageSujet: Re: A newer insight into the twilight story   A newer insight into the twilight story EmptyMer 2 Déc 2009 - 15:39

Heh heh, pretty fun. Never read it, but it looks like the books are quite similar to all the ship fan-fiction the Stargate franchise was plagued with during a few years (until it lost its monopoly to the ship-to-ship fan-fictions). Ah, well, I won't discuss tastes of other people here, as long as their texts are correctly written.
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The Vortex Guy
The Vortex Guy

Nombre de messages : 4190
Masculin Age : 35
Localisation : TARDIS 39th room (blit), on Moya third level, in orbit around Abydos (Kaliam galaxy)

A newer insight into the twilight story Empty
MessageSujet: Re: A newer insight into the twilight story   A newer insight into the twilight story EmptyMer 2 Déc 2009 - 22:46

Bwahahahahah, Black Phoenix, I loved that ! I mean, I read the Twilight saga, and I have to admit that I found it pretty sympathetic (despite of the fact that, according to the autor, every male that like this books is gay), but it's true that the story is full of commonplace and that the protagonists aren't exactly wonderfull. ^^
The over articles are funny too. ^^
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Phenix Noir
Routard Interstellaire
Routard Interstellaire
Phenix Noir

Nombre de messages : 339
Masculin Age : 41

A newer insight into the twilight story Empty
MessageSujet: Re: A newer insight into the twilight story   A newer insight into the twilight story EmptyJeu 3 Déc 2009 - 0:26

Beware, Sympathetic is a false friend, use "good" or enjoyable instead
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The Vortex Guy
The Vortex Guy

Nombre de messages : 4190
Masculin Age : 35
Localisation : TARDIS 39th room (blit), on Moya third level, in orbit around Abydos (Kaliam galaxy)

A newer insight into the twilight story Empty
MessageSujet: Re: A newer insight into the twilight story   A newer insight into the twilight story EmptyJeu 3 Déc 2009 - 0:31

Gargl. This hurt.
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Roi des Petits Gris
Roi des Petits Gris

Nombre de messages : 2378
Masculin Age : 37
Localisation : ~ Surfant dans le subespace ~ Compagnon de la Confrérie

A newer insight into the twilight story Empty
MessageSujet: Re: A newer insight into the twilight story   A newer insight into the twilight story EmptyJeu 3 Déc 2009 - 20:29

Funny paper you found there, Black Phenix.

I haven't read the books for now, but my girlfriend told me a lot about the saga. I'm not really enthusiastic about this saga. What I can say is that the movies are not bad (except some scenes are a little silly).

But this article is really funny. I will show it to my girlfriend (I think she's not going to enjoy it biglol )
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A newer insight into the twilight story Empty
MessageSujet: Re: A newer insight into the twilight story   A newer insight into the twilight story Empty

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A newer insight into the twilight story
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