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 English shootbox

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4 participants
Le Pharaon
Le Pharaon

Nombre de messages : 5127
Masculin Age : 34
Localisation : Amiens

English shootbox Empty
MessageSujet: English shootbox   English shootbox EmptyMer 2 Déc 2009 - 0:58

Well, this aera is a shame for the forum, so, guys and girls, speak in english here, now! Or else... niark
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Rufus Shinra
Roi des Petits Gris
Roi des Petits Gris
Rufus Shinra

Nombre de messages : 2455
Masculin Age : 35
Localisation : Là où s'est déroulée la dernière catastrophe en date ~ Compagnon senior de la Confrérie

English shootbox Empty
MessageSujet: Re: English shootbox   English shootbox EmptyMer 2 Déc 2009 - 1:05

Or else what, little big man ? Don't forget who wields the stick here (you know, this band of not-so-brothers bent on taking over the world with a truckload of silly plans and a weapons-grade calculator).

Now, for something which doesn't require any translation :


Hem, well, that's it. CSB rules this board. But, you must already know it, since we let you live (well, not YOU specifically, but don't worry about that, the super-killer ninjas-scientists are already on their way).
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Le Pharaon
Le Pharaon

Nombre de messages : 5127
Masculin Age : 34
Localisation : Amiens

English shootbox Empty
MessageSujet: Re: English shootbox   English shootbox EmptyMer 2 Déc 2009 - 1:53

Citation :
Or else what, little big man ? Don't forget who wields the stick here (you know, this band of not-so-brothers bent on taking over the world with a truckload of silly plans and a weapons-grade calculator).
Excuse me! You talk to me? You fuck my wife? *searches a Garcia's smiley*

Citation :
Now, for something which doesn't require any translation :


Hem, well, that's it. CSB rules this board. But, you must already know it, since we let you live (well, not YOU specifically, but don't worry about that, the super-killer ninjas-scientists are already on their way).
It's really amazing like everytime I robot (muah ah ah ah) , I take the control of a new place, CSB guys claims immediately the political power and make lies to tell again and again that they are always been there... It's very easy, CSB is everywhere since Big Bang and even before Suspect

Mouah ah ah, I hadn't written a word in english since the school, and I never had 10/20 , it's scary, Ho Valen, what am I doing here? Haaaa
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Roi des Petits Gris
Roi des Petits Gris

Nombre de messages : 2378
Masculin Age : 37
Localisation : ~ Surfant dans le subespace ~ Compagnon de la Confrérie

English shootbox Empty
MessageSujet: Re: English shootbox   English shootbox EmptyMer 2 Déc 2009 - 8:29

Citation :
It's very easy, CSB is everywhere since Big Bang and even before
There's no limit at our power.
CSB'rules must be applied in every section, every topic where SFFS's membres talk.

So, english shootbox, news in english!

The day before yesterday I went to the cardiologist to examine my heart. It is 100 % fully functionnal and I can make sport as much as I want.
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Rufus Shinra
Roi des Petits Gris
Roi des Petits Gris
Rufus Shinra

Nombre de messages : 2455
Masculin Age : 35
Localisation : Là où s'est déroulée la dernière catastrophe en date ~ Compagnon senior de la Confrérie

English shootbox Empty
MessageSujet: Re: English shootbox   English shootbox EmptyMer 2 Déc 2009 - 9:47

Citation :
The day before yesterday I went to the cardiologist to examine my heart. It is 100 % fully functionnal and I can make sport as much as I want.
Too bad you still use your Belgian-made brain. Hey, at least we still have people to laugh at, thanks to that (Well, you, and the guys on SGF, but you already knew it.).
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Roi des Petits Gris
Roi des Petits Gris

Nombre de messages : 2378
Masculin Age : 37
Localisation : ~ Surfant dans le subespace ~ Compagnon de la Confrérie

English shootbox Empty
MessageSujet: Re: English shootbox   English shootbox EmptyMer 2 Déc 2009 - 14:10

Rufus Shinra a écrit:
Citation :
The day before yesterday I went to the cardiologist to examine my heart. It is 100 % fully functionnal and I can make sport as much as I want.
Too bad you still use your Belgian-made brain. Hey, at least we still have people to laugh at, thanks to that (Well, you, and the guys on SGF, but you already knew it.).
... Mister Shinra, to reply to you, I will quote a famous Roman emperor : Horum omnium fortissimi sunt Belgae.
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Rufus Shinra
Roi des Petits Gris
Roi des Petits Gris
Rufus Shinra

Nombre de messages : 2455
Masculin Age : 35
Localisation : Là où s'est déroulée la dernière catastrophe en date ~ Compagnon senior de la Confrérie

English shootbox Empty
MessageSujet: Re: English shootbox   English shootbox EmptyMer 2 Déc 2009 - 15:30

Yep, and we all saw what happened to the Roman Empire : it fell, faster than a traveller's hope when trying to find something else than fries to eat in Belgium.
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Gouverneur Planétaire à Mandibules
Gouverneur Planétaire à Mandibules

Nombre de messages : 1052
Féminin Age : 94
Localisation : Paris

English shootbox Empty
MessageSujet: Re: English shootbox   English shootbox EmptyMer 2 Déc 2009 - 17:14

May I flood here too ? I just wanted to say xD
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Le Pharaon
Le Pharaon

Nombre de messages : 5127
Masculin Age : 34
Localisation : Amiens

English shootbox Empty
MessageSujet: Re: English shootbox   English shootbox EmptyMer 2 Déc 2009 - 17:15

No, you can't aarf
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Gouverneur Planétaire à Mandibules
Gouverneur Planétaire à Mandibules

Nombre de messages : 1052
Féminin Age : 94
Localisation : Paris

English shootbox Empty
MessageSujet: Re: English shootbox   English shootbox EmptyMer 2 Déc 2009 - 17:15

Obviously too late hi hi
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English shootbox Empty
MessageSujet: Re: English shootbox   English shootbox Empty

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English shootbox
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